Replacement Resolution with Musselman’s Apple Sauce Giveaway ends 3/5

With the new year in full swing, how many of us have actually kept our new years resolutions?  One of the most common ones is to be healthier.  Musselman's applesauce makes it pretty easy to be healthier.  There are a ton of recipes that you could use applesauce in as a replacement ingredient.  I know that I have personally used Musselman's applesause as a replacement in a recipe in exchange for vegetable oil.  I love using it in cakes.  I think that it gives the cake a more flavorful and more moist appeal. 

Musselman's sent me a wonderful package that included 3 packs of applesauce and a yoga ball.  I have wanted a yoga ball for a while and just have never gotten around to getting one.  I have already tried some exercises on it and I love it.  I have given my boys each flavor that I received and they really enjoyed that.  I have to be quick and bake a cake or something and use one of the applesauces before my kids eat them all.

Wanna win a package of your own?  One winner will receive a yoga ball and some applesauce for you to make the replacement resolution.  Just enter on the rafflecopter form. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure:  I received the package above in return for this post.  All opinions shared are my own and were not persuaded in any way.)