Real Moms Love to Eat book by Beth Aldrich

Growing up, I never struggled with my weight, or worried about how I looked.  I did not think that I was a super hotty or anything but I was pretty confident in my body.  Fast forward 7 years and 3 kids, and I sure am wishing I had my old body back.  I got married and had three boys within 3 years and man, does my body show it.  Now I struggle with losing the weight that I gained because I was eating for two.  I have tried dieting but havent really known which diet I should do because there are a ton out there.  Seriously, do a google search for diets and you might be at your computer for days trying to find one you like. 

I just recently joined a group online and someone mentioned this book and I right away went to check it out.  I agreed to help promote this book on my blog in return for a digital copy that I can read.  So I recieved my digital copy and started reading it immediately.  This book nails it on the head.  As moms we focus on taking care of our husbands, our kids, and our homes and find very little time to take care of us. We need to take care of ourselves so that we have the energy to take care of everything and everyone else.  I am excited to start changing my eating habits and start dropping the pounds.  Now I just gotta be brave and start my days by drinking a green smoothie.  But what will make that better is that I get to have a yummy piece of dark chocalate every day too.  It's true.  Check out Beth Aldrich's BOOK to find out why.

This book is broken down into three sections, which includes a fun and easy-to-follow 10 part plan for moms to implement to make gradual, life-long changes in their approach to food and 21 days of meal suggestions, tips, recipes and lifestyle changes-all to help you continue your love affair with food to look fabulous.  Beth's approach to healthy eating is simple and realistic for busy moms.  You'll learn a lot about the food you eat and how it impacts your body and still have loads of fun experiencing new foods and enjoying your life.

While, this book will not be out until January 2012, they are having a pre-order launch party.  Everyone that participates in this "virtual pre-order launch party" is eligible for randomly drawn prizes.  Simply enter the twice-a-month pre-order book giveaway, hosted by the site HERE.  You can pre-order the book for one entry AND sign up for Beth's FREE newsletter for a second entry!

Winners from this virtual book pre-order party will be chosen on January 3, 2012 through and contacted via email.

(Disclosure:  I was gifted from Restoring Essence Nutrition, LLC-owner of Real Moms Love to Eat, a free digital copy of the book, "Real Moms Love to Eat" and an entry into the prize drawing on
 January 3, 2012 for participating in this virtual tour and writing about this book pre-order contest.)