Roman Town Computer game

I was chosen to host a party featuring Roman Town computer game.  So I had my son invite a few friends over to play the game.  He  is really into computer games and he loves this.  It is easy enough for him to do it on his own.  He likes being able to find the things he is supposed to be looking for and digging up.  It is also a great educational game and I have no problem letting him play it on his own without having to watch over his shoulder to see what he is doing.  It is even fun for me.  They kids all enjoyed playing this and it gave them an opportunity to work together and take turns using the computer and helping each other out.  The moms enjoyed the fact that they were given a coupon for a free copy of this game.  The kids each got a hat and a sport bottle cup.  It was a great success.  Thanks MommyParties for giving me this opportunity.
