Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery

(Disclosure:  I will receive compensation for this post.  All opinions though are my own.)

I'm sure everyone has heard of the term, "Doubting Thomas".  Some people do not know that it is actually based off of a man named Thomas that was one of Jesus' disciples.  Have you ever had a doubting Thomas moment?  I have had a few.  My health is one.  Being diagnosed with heart disease, I have  my moments of doubt of healing and I have to rely on my faith stronger in those moments.  Also, in the situation of finding a house in a new city and state can really make someone rely on their faith.  Trying to find a house in a good neighborhood with good schools and a good church and friends can test your faith.  I have had a few doubts that we will find what we are wanting but also what God's will is for our family.

About Finding Jesus.

In case you didn't get an opportunity to check-out the first season of this hit series, Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery captivated audiences as well-known Pastors, theologians, and archaeologists, examined famous religious artifacts, and brought to life the places, pilgrimage sites, and people from the Bible and ancient world.

This seasons, one of our episodes focuses on Jesus' disciple Thomas-or you may have heard of him as "doubting Thomas."  But there is so much more to his life story.  His journey to overcome his doubts and fears, and to redeem himself by spreading the Gospel and message of love to a faraway place is an inspiration!  It's also something we can all relate to-as each of us at one point in our lives have had to struggle and overcome our own doubt and fears in order to fulfill a great challenge in our lives, or even during our faith journey.

Finding Jesus premiers on March 5th on CNN

Check out this trailer:

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