It's a New Year

It is a new year and I pray that all of my readers have a blessed 2016.  This past year has been slow on my blog, due to being busy with my kids in school and me starting a job at Amazon.  Now that things have settled done and I finally have a routine down, 2016 should be a great year for Try This!  My goal for this blog is more family focused reviews and articles, more fun giveaways and more posts about my life. 

I did not make any resolutions this year, (I never have to be honest!)  My goal this year is to be more family focused.  I want to spend more time with my kids and make their childhood fun and not all technology/electronic based.  I am taking them outdoors more and living a more healthy lifestyle.  

I am excited as to wear 2016 takes me personally, my family, and my ministry!

What about you?  Any goals/resolutions for this year?  I would love to hear from you!