Noah Official Trailer

(Disclosure:  I received the trailer link to share with my readers.  All opinions shared are my own.)

Anyone who has ever been to Sunday School will know the story of Noah's Ark.  God uses a flood to destroy the earth and uses Noah to build an ark and save his family and the animals.  It is now a movie.  I cannot wait to watch it and see how this movie compares to the Bible.  I have been given the official movie trailer to share with my readers.  It looks like it will be good. 

About the movie:
After visions of an apocalyptic deluge, Noah, the world's only righteous man, is chosen to undertake a divine mission to build a massive ark to save his family and all of  creation before the impending rains fall and the flood waters rise.

The cast include: Russell Crowe, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins and many more.  This is scheduled to release in March 2014.  Check out the trailer below:

What are your thoughts?  Are you planning to see it?