I am Second

(Disclosure:  I received branded products in return for this post.  Any opinions shared are my own.)

Have you ever tried to do something on your own and have it not work out?  Are you struggling with an addiction or an issue?  Did you finally let go and let God take control of it?  I bet it worked out better for you once you did.  I recently found out about an amazing website called I am Second

I am Second is a very user friendly website.  It is organized well enough for you to find a topic that you may be struggling with in your life and see what others have to say on that topic.  You can see that once you give your struggle to God, and you become second, it will get easier.  There are topics from Abortion to Marriage to Work.  These are personal stories from all sorts of people: Actors, Athletes, Musicians, etc.  I am a country music fan and I saw the story from Josh Turner.  It is reassuring to know that there are celebrities that are not ashamed of being a Christian.  They struggle with everyday issues just like you and me.  I encourage you to watch it.  I love that this website has a section of Faith Questions.  Which is great for those who might not be a Christian but are on the verge of becoming one.  I encourage everyone to check out this website.  You can also keep up to date with them on Facebook and Twitter.

About:  I am Second
Actors. Atheletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Drug addicts. Your next door neighbor.  People like you.  The authentic stories on I am Second provide insight into dealing with typical struggles of everyday living.  There are stories that give hope to the lonely and the hurting, help from destructive lifestyles, and inspiration to the unfulfilled.  You'll discover people who've tried to go it alone and have failed.  Find the hope, peace, and fulfillment they found.  Be Second!

About: Seconds Change
Give Change, Make Change- Many more stories are waiting to be told.  You can help.  Commit $2 ever Tuesday to build film funds, and your contribution will be used to develop, produce and promote new films.  Join the project and become an I am Second insider with access to exclusive content via Facebook.